Why You Should Offer Credit Options To Your Clients
Consumers are looking for large ticket items everyday. Whether it is an emergency and an appliance needs to be replaced, or they want to buy something new, they may be short on cash to get the item they really want. Offering credit to these clients gives them the opportunity to make payments on their purchase and builds a solid foundation with your store. Here are a few reasons why you should offer consumer financing to those who shop with you.
Brings Them Back To Your Business
When you offer a credit line to your customers, it tells them that you are willing to work with them to get the item they want to buy. It gives you an opportunity to talk more about your company and what they are interested in. In the time that it takes to apply for assistance and be approved, you can get to know the individual that you are talking to and find out what their needs are. It also provides them with a reason to return to your location. If they have consumer financing with you, they will have the incentive to shop with you again and be a repetitive client of your store.
Receive Payment Immediately
Choosing to work with a third party credit company makes the payment processing for this option operate the same as getting cash from your customer. They apply for the funding in your store and you submit the application on their behalf. However, once you have the card number from the lender, you can proceed with the transaction as if it were a normal purchase. You will receive your cash from the organization you work with in a matter of days. Your client gets the consumer financing they need to obtain the product they want and you are paid when you require it.
Businesses Like Yours Are Doing It
To stay competitive in your market, you should consider offering credit to your customers, especially if you carry large dollar items. If those in your field have yet to do so, you will have an advantage to draw more people into your shop. Businesses that have this program before you do might be stealing clients from you and building a long term relationship with them. Shoppers who have consumer financing with retail stores will tend to buy from them using the cards provided to them. When you determine to be one of those companies, you can build a loyal base of customers who come back to visit again and again.