Tips for How To Increase Work Productivity

Being productive at work will help you get necessary tasks done on time and show your boss that you are the best candidate for promotions and incentives. You can increase your productivity in many ways, but these three tips can help those around you be more productive as well.

Stop Multitasking

Studies consistently show that you do not get as much done when you multitask as you think and trying to do too much at once can actively slow you down. When you can dedicate all your focus to one task at a time, it can be accomplished more quickly and effectively. Tackle the more difficult or dreaded task first so it is not on your mind when you are trying to get other things done and use each accomplished item on your list as a boost to get the next one finished.

Handle Interruptions Effectively

Productivity decreases with each interruption you have in your day because it can take your brain several minutes to switch between tasks and remember where you where before the interruption. You can reduce these distractions by turning notifications off on your mobile device and setting a schedule for checking emails. Some interruptions are harder to avoid such as when your manager needs an update on a project or when other employees stop by. You can reduce these by setting work chat apps to a busy status, letting those around you know that you are on a deadline and even proactively emailing your boss with an update and a request for uninterrupted time.

Cut Down on Meetings

Meetings can be an endless source of frustration when you are trying to be productive, especially when the information could have been handled in an email or with a quick chat in a work communication app. Since more software programs are being developed to help team members update each other and make changes in real time, many daily or weekly meetings can be eliminated.

Increasing your productivity at work can be easier than you think when you stop to structure your day around the tasks at hand and the interruptions you are likely to get. You can start by not multitasking, getting the hardest things done first and turning off smart phone notifications. When you work with your managers and fellow employees to cut down on interruptions and eliminate some meetings, you can spend more of your time at work doing the projects that need your full attention.

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